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Squadron Association & Civilian Committee

What is the Squadron Association?

The Squadron Association is perceived as the backbone of the squadron. Their purpose is to support the Squadron Commander to further the aims and objectives of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets paying particular attention to activities which foster the spirit of adventure amongst the squadron's cadets and develop their qualities of leadership and good citizenship.


In their efforts to support the squadron the association is responsible for the squadron's fund which is made up of non-public funds. The fund is made of of fundraising, grants and cadet subscriptions.

Want to be part of the Association?

You must be over 18 years of age and must be one of the following:

  • Parent/Guardian of cadets serving the squadron

  • Current members of the Committee

  • By invitation representatives of local companies or organisations within the community with an interest in youth

  • By invitation representatives of the Local Education Authority, Police, Fire or Ambulance service who have indicated that they wish to support the activities of the squadron

  • Invited individuals experienced in working with young people

  • A member of the local RAFA Branch Committee

  • The Wing Chairman

What is the Squadron Civilian Committee?

The Civilian Committee is derived from the Squadron Association. The committee members become trustees and holders of the squadron non-public funds. The members manage and administer the workings of the Squadron Association.

The committee is comprised of a maximum of 12 voting members and 2 ex-offio members the Squadron Commander and Squadron Chaplin. Three members hold office roles: Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary which are voted in yearly by the Association.

If the Squadron Association has more than 12 members, each year at the Annual General Meeting a new committee is voted in.

How often does the Association meet?

Currently the Association usually meets 4 times a year on a Thursday evening. The meetings last between 1 to 2 hours.

What is the Association currently working on?

The Association is focusing on fundraising for the projects put forward by the Squadron Commander and organising the Squadron's Annual Dinner.

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