Radio and Cyber
Awareness, Communication, Safety
Radio and Cyber is one of the RAF Air Cadets focuses on STEM learning and gives cadets the opportunity to further their knowledge in these fields. After a cadet has completed their blue badge they can specialise in radio or cyber or both!

Blue - Cyber Awareness
The radio aspect of this badge is covered within the First Class Cadet learning module. These skills then must be also demonstrated to an assessor. Cadets also need to watch a Cyber Security video.

Bronze - Radio Operator
On the Basic Operator course cadets gain an understanding of the different call signs and best practice for use of radios.

Silver - Radio Communicator
First of all cadets must complete a learning module which should equip and assess their skills to run a network control station.
After this they will be able to complete a course of their choice so they can specialise in a certain area to gain their silver badge.

Gold - Radio Communicator
Within the first section, cadets will gain the skills to build basic antennas, circuits and test them for simple faults.
They then will need to complete a learning experience that will equip them with the skills to be able to create an entire radio network in an unfamiliar location
To gain the gold badge cadets would do a residential ran by HQ Air Cadets.

Bronze - Cyber Communications
This course is made up of two parts.
Within the first part, cadets are required to achieve their bronze iDEA award. (https://idea.org.uk/) We require cadets do certain modules for their iDEA for the Cyber Communications badge.
The second part of this course is a one day course on how to protect themselves from the dangers online
Silver - Cyber Specialist
This course is made up of two parts.
The first part is the cadets are required to achieve their silver iDEA award. (https://idea.org.uk/)
The second part of this course is the completion of an online training programme.

Gold - Cyber Specialist
To gain this badge a one week residential course at RAF Cosford is required due to the specialist knowledge required to teach it.
This course aims to develop the skills needed to prevent a network from intrusion.